This Week in AI | Week 9

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You are reading This Week in AI, and this is week 9 of the edition. Developments in AI this week include updates from Grok-1.5V, OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo, and Meta AI on WhatsApp. Let’s explore these advancements in detail!

Grok-1.5 Vision Preview

Grok-1.5V is a multimodal model capable of processing text and visual information. Its enhanced capabilities extend to understanding documents, diagrams, charts, screenshots, and photographs. Grok-1.5V excels in real-world spatial understanding, outperforming its peers in the RealWorldQA benchmark.


  • Competitive performance across multiple domains, including multi-disciplinary reasoning and text comprehension.
  • Outperforms peers in understanding documents, diagrams, charts, and real-world scenarios.
  • Excels in real-world spatial understanding, contributing to the development of AI assistants with practical applications.

Real-World Understanding:

  • Introduces RealWorldQA benchmark to evaluate real-world spatial understanding capabilities.
  • Dataset consists of over 700 images with questions and verifiable answers.
  • Aims to advance AI’s understanding of the physical world and foster community collaboration.

OpenAI’s GPT-4-Turbo Update

OpenAI Launches GPT-4 Turbo, featuring enhanced responses and AI vision technology. This update brings significant improvements to text and image processing capabilities, empowering developers with advanced tools for content analysis.

Enhanced Capabilities:

  • Integration of AI vision technology for comprehensive content analysis across diverse media formats.
  • Improved workflows and increased efficiency in app development.
  • Extended knowledge cutoff date for relevance and currency in AI research.

Meta AI Chatbot on WhatsApp

Meta introduces its AI chatbot to WhatsApp, offering a range of services from customer support to appointment scheduling. Using Meta’s latest large language model research and Microsoft’s Bing Chat, this integration improves user interactions within messaging platforms for day-to-day tasks.

Better User Experience:

  • Simplified access to customer support and scheduling services within WhatsApp.
  • Using AI technology to enhance user engagement and convenience.
  • Integrating AI capabilities across its product ecosystem.

Suggested Reading


The developments in AI this week highlight the ongoing improvements in artificial intelligence technologies, from multimodal understanding to smarter-faster LLMs and AI-powered messaging experiences. These advancements drive innovation and enhance user experiences across diverse domains. Stay tuned for next week!

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April 14, 2024
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