How to make Custom ChatGPT Chatbot in 2 minutes

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Having a chatbot on your website is crucial for providing a better user experience. However, finding the right solution that seamlessly integrates into your website, offers powerful features, and effectively engages with visitors can be difficult.

YourGPT Chatbot is a powerful no-code chatbot builder that addresses these challenges. It helps you build custom ChatGPT chatbots for your websites. It is designed to understand, truthfully answer, and improve the user experience. In just two minutes, you can set up YourGPT AI chatbot with the help of this short guide!

All about YourGPT Chatbot

Features of YourGPT Chatbot

  • No-Code Chatbot Builder: Set up and customise your chatbot effortlessly.
  • Driven by GPT Models: Advanced GPT models ensure intelligent and human-like responses.
  • Lead Generation: Engage and convert website visitors into potential leads.
  • Multilingual Communication: Communicate seamlessly with a global audience.
  • Full Customisation: Adapt the chatbot’s appearance, responses, and behaviour to your brand.
  • Multiple Integrations: Seamlessly connect with your favourite tools and platforms.

Training Your AI Chatbot: Options and Customisation

YourGPT gives you a number of alternatives to choose from when it comes to training your AI chatbot. We offer training options, including FAQs, documents, Text, and self-learning sessions. We also offer options to train from platforms such as Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube, and Notion.

Training Options:

  • Links: We provide curated links to relevant resources for your chatbot’s training.
  • Documents: Access comprehensive documents to understand and implement the training process effectively.
  • FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions are included to address common queries and refine your chatbot’s responses.
  • Text: Concise, clear texts are available for quick comprehension and implementation.

Why Choose YourGPT Chatbot?

YourGPT chatbot functions similarly to a customer service professional who is available 24/7. It is constantly available, efficient, and capable of handling several inquiries concurrently, assuring quick results at all times.

Setting Up YourGPT Chatbot in 2 Minutes

1. Sign Up: Visit the YourGPT Chatbot to add co-pilot to your website and create an account.

AI Chatbot training

2. Train: Train the chatbot using your custom data, using our no-code interface.


3. Customise: Use the no-code builder for customisation.

integrate AI

4. Integrate: Embed the chatbot on your website or app with a simple code snippet. Connected the chatbot with your prefered social channels.

5. Go Live: watch your chatbot interact in real-time!

Benefits for Businesses

  • Increased Engagement: Interactive conversations lead to longer website visits and higher conversions.
  • Cost-Efficient: Save on traditional customer support expenses.
  • Data Collection: Collect insights and feedback to enhance your offerings.
  • Scalability: Manage thousands of queries without additional resources.


The YourGPT Chatbot is a transformative tool for businesses aiming to elevate online customer support. With its robust features and quick setup, you can integrate a top-tier AI chatbot on your website. Don’t delay in providing your visitors with the exceptional experience they deserve. Adopt YourGPT Chatbot today!

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Rohit Joshi
September 8, 2023
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